5 Signs Your Solar Panels Need Maintenance

5 Signs Your Solar Panels Need Maintenance

So, how do you know when to give your solar panels a quick check? Read on for five common signs your solar panels need maintenance.

1. Visible Damage on Panels

Since your panels are always left exposed on rooftops, they’re often prone to scratches and debris accumulation. Unfortunately, there are also serious instances of damage to those panels. Common examples are broken glasses, cracks, or discolouration, and they affect the panels’ ability to absorb sunlight, so once you notice any visible damage, be sure to act quickly.

Factors like weather, debris, or even animals are the major culprits, and if the damages are serious, especially discolouration, be sure to contact a solar panel contractor.

2. Ageing Panels

Solar panels are built to last. They are designed to produce energy for at least 25 years, some even 30. However, that doesn’t mean their performance will be constant throughout that period. You see, like every piece of technology, solar panels decline in efficiency as they age, so soon enough, you’ll be dealing with less productive panels.

With ageing comes the reduced ability to produce the energy your household requires. So, when panels are nearing the end of their lifespan, be sure to maintain them properly until you eventually decide that they need replacing.

3. Changes In Energy Needs

At the time of installation, solar panels are designed to meet specific household energy needs. However, if this energy requirement increases over time, the panels will have a hard time keeping up. This could be due to an increase in appliances, more time spent at home, lengthened power outages, and so on.

Moreover, once this is an issue, you’ll have to reassess your panels for possible repair or replacement.

4. Reduced Energy Production

Under optimal conditions, solar panels generate up to 70% of the total power consumed by households. It’s a feature that ensures your energy needs are met while reducing your light bills significantly. However, when you notice your power production decline or see that you’re using more from the national grid, it’s a worrying sign for your panels.

This means that your panels have lost efficiency in producing energy, and there are several factors responsible for that. For instance, accumulated dirt and reduced sunlight are two common factors. In other cases, it could be a technical issue, so be sure to contact a solar panel contractor for a proper inspection.

5. Solar Inverter Issues

The inverter is an integral aspect of any solar panel system, so much so that only the panels on the roof are more important. Inverters are useful for converting the generated power into usable electricity. Signs like error messages or red and green lights indicate issues with the inverter, wiring, and possibly the panels, so be sure to tackle these issues to prevent malfunctioning.


The earlier you tend to pressing issues facing your solar panels, the better they perform. Also, when you ensure regular maintenance of your panels, you’re guaranteed to enjoy them for a long period.

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